Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

  • Quail are cute.

  • My email has been touchy, and I haven't received some messages people have sent me. This is particularly frustrating in that I have been communicating with some people I know, but not well, and I don't know if they responded to my messages or not. I don't feel comfortable asking if they received the message.

  • Do I ask people if they got my email?

  • If they haven't gotten it, then it makes sense to ask.

  • If they have gotten it and have responded, it makes sense to ask.

  • If they have gotten it and have not responded, then I'm an irritating person.

  • I like red.

  • Toys have invaded our home. (waving white flag)

  • I like the music to the movie Once.

  • Yes, I am a complete dork.

  • DH and I are attending AP conferences all week up in Tahoe. I'm nervous. Why?

  • Maybe I'll be the only one there who doesn't know some element that's necessary to the AP Language curriculum, like whether an author is using a zeugma or what a meme is (or how to spell it).

  • I don't like feeling stupid.

  • I like to swim in the summer.

  • I am hoping DH will allow me to hire a couple babysitters for my friend's birthday party that we're throwing for her.

  • People would have more fun.

  • But drinking around students is NOT cool.

  • So maybe not.

  • My friend turns 40.

  • I wil be 38 in November.

  • That sounds so old.

  • I don't feel old.

  • For my 40th birthday, I want to get a tattoo.

  • Of a lotus flower.

  • I had a monkey mind yesterday.

  • I don't even get emails I send myself.

  • That's just weird.

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