Friday, July 25, 2008

Random Life Updates

Sorry for the funky formatting. For some reason, blogger isn't allowing me to separate my paragraphs today.
We threw a 40th birthday bash for my friend S. Happy 4-0!!! Yesterday was spent recurperating. I realized that once you reach a certain number of attendees at a party, you are no longer able to do much of anything but host. My mistake was serving mojitos. Next time we have a big party, the drinks will go like this: "The wine and beer are over there." Smaller parties allow for the mixed drinks.
Anyway, I think everyone had a good time. S got a lot of loving attention and some good loot. She does so much for us and our kids that I wanted to do something nice for her.
Meanwhile, my son has been very mommy-clingly lately. When I shower, he pounds on the shower door and cries, "Mommy! Mommy!" When I go to the bathroom, he sits outside the door and cries. If I'm doing the dishes, he's either attached to my leg or in my arms. I love that he's cuddly and adoring of me and know very well that will change before I know it. Nevertheless, I get tired and just want a moment of peace when I go to the bathroom.
He isn't sleeping well either. He's up for hours at a time in the middle of night. I've been pretty tired lately. He could be teething or experiencing growing pains. At least I'm not working right now and can give him the attention he needs.
J's Compleat Works of Shakeseare opens this weekend. They were only given three Sunday nights by the production company, which is about as bad as you can get, especially for a show that requires a certain amount of audience participation. Comedies are much better with crowds. So they're going to rerun the play for a different theater group this fall. At least it won't weeks of rehearsals again.
Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

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