Friday, May 23, 2008

Not Such a Baby Anymore

DD turned 5 this week. Definitely made me stop and reflect on how quickly they grow up. She'll be in kindergarten next year. DS is a year and a half and has officially reached toddlerdom, moved out of babyhood. They won't be babies for ever, I guess.

I thought this was a funny pic of DS. He dropped his pacifier into the sand and apparently didn't care for the texture. This summer, we'll be breaking the paci habit.

On a side note, this pic was a bugger to fix the coloring on. He was under a tree, and a green shade was vaguely present. The normal Adobe fixes weren't working, so I had to go into more advanced settings.

As an aside to my aside, DH bought me a new camera for Mother's Day. Finally got it connected to the computer today and have been playing nonstop since.

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