Saturday, January 8, 2011

More 2010 Review

For the blog review of 2010, Gwen Bell asks, "Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)."

The last thing of 2010 that I made was definitely a scrapbook page. During the Christmas break, I spent a lot of time in my crafting area making cards and pages. I loved it and found it completely reeneergizing. While working on my master's, I have very little time for play, so the break from both work and school was much needed. I have six more weeks of this program before I take an extended break so that I can focus on my Teacher of the Year resonsibilities.

Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)

This question gives me stomach knots. I haven't completed the letting go, but I decided in December to change dentists. This upsets me. I kind of bonded with him over this last year. I like him and have finally started getting the work I needed because he helped me work through some of that. But then I discovered that he is on his third round of probation with the state examination board. Time to move on, unfortunately. The problem is that I have serious loyalty issues and feel that moving on is disloyal even if I think it is better for my pocket book and my health. I have struggled with coming to terms with this.

Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)

I discovered the 365 picture-a-day community, and even though I didn't finish the project, I did enjoy chatting up fellow 365ers and getting and giving feedback.

I'll cover more of the 2010 review next time I blog - I need to ponder the next question. Here's an update on what I am reading: I am reading essays from The Best American Science Writing 2009. My favorite is one about a police officer who died a couple years after 9/11. The essay explores the question of whether or not he should have received compensation for his death. I had my seniors read it, and many indicated that it was their favorite essay of the semester. The other fascinating article focused on Cesar, the dog whisperer, but the article was really about human movement and the psychology behind how animals and people respond to movement.

I am looking forward to getting the 2010 issue when I am off my no-buy month. (Oh, yeah. I am doing that again. More on that later.) I am reading this book because with my master's program I only get small bursts of pleasure reading. So really, I should say that right now I am reading Financing Education in a Climate of Change.

Meanwhile, my sangha is reading The Issue at Hand by Gil Fronsdal of the AudioDharma and Zencast podcasts, and a friend of mine and I are reading Waking Up to What You Do by Diane Eshin Rizzetto and The Engaged Spiritual Life by Donald Rothberg. That's all in small bursts of reading too, which works well for my master's program.

It's time to sign off, meditate, and watch an episode of Scrubs, season V. Sweet! I was hoping to add an image, but Blogger isn't allowing it.

1 comment:

Tori said...

Nice to see two posts so close together.