Friday, January 14, 2011

2011: Simplicty

Last year, I set a ridiculous goal for myself to have a different resolution every month. I ended up overwhelmed and frustrated. What I needed more than anything was to cut back, not add on. This is why for 2011 I decided to commit to simplicity. Step one - set the intention. 

I intend to do all that I can to simplify my life. Doing so will bring me more peace of mind, more time to spend with my family and friends, and more time for creative play and meditation.

From here, I made a long list of things I could do to simplify my life. The list is rather boring, but I will tell you that I have already made a difference in how I feel, and I am happier with the way I spend my time. Simple things like canceling digital subscriptions to email lists can make a big difference.

Then I discovered the prompt from Gwen Bell, which is  What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)

This fits in perfectly with my resolution to simplify, so I spent a week contemplating this questions. I finally came up with this list:

  1. More items on my to-do list
  2. Stress
  3. Clutter
  4. Extra weight
  5. Gossip
  6. Digital clutter
  7. Anger
  8. Lots of time in front of computer 
  9. Worry 
  10. Temper tantrums 
  11. Fatigue 
I also brainstormed things I could do to eliminate these things.

I am glad I am doing this. Although I am cutting back where I can, I will be very busy this year. From what I understand, being the state teacher of the year (STOY) comes with work. I am happy to do it, and I am also glad I am clearing my plate so that I can feel like I am putting my best effort into those responsibilities. I am putting my master's program on hold until September, starting in early February. I can't wait to not have a paper a week to write!

I am getting really excited about my first trip as STOY, which will be to Dallas for a conference of all the STOYs. 

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