Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's Not Always So Easy

I have been working on my sangha homework - to not talk about people who aren't in the room. Although I have done some refraining, I could definitely do better. I'm beginning to see why monks live in caves. It's definitely difficult to live the Dharma when you're interacting with the world. Of course, if it were easy, we'd all be enlightened.

I haven't been remembering about the being in the body homework, let alone actually doing it.

I did a short mediation (10 minutes) when I got to work today (Since kids are gone, my schedule is more flexible.). I focused on my intent for the day - to not talk about those not in the room. It helped. I ought to consider moving my meditations to the morning.

Signing out.

May you live in peace and happiness.

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