Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Research Paper Blues

Well, it's that time of year, the time of year when I ask myself, "Good God! Why are we doing this to ourselves, to our students?" The time of year when I wish the senior project didn't exist at my school. The time of year when I dread going to class and dread even more the onslaught of research papers that will soon come in and the nights hunched over the kitchen table reading and editing and commenting.

This time of year I have to remind myself daily that in a couple months my students will feel so proud about their work that they'll beam. I have to remind myself that in a couple months I'll feel so proud of my students - and myself - that I'll beam.

I have to remind myself that the senior project is worthwhile. That students have a right to know how to write a research paper even if they don't plan on going to college right after school.

I have to remind myself that CHS has the lowest college remediation rate at UNR, that our students do perform well in writing.

It is worth it . . . even if it doesn't feel like it is right now.


Anapana said...

hola novament, tens un bloc molt divertit i una familia molt simpàtica. Us desitjem molta salut i felicitat.
Good Luck !

Cheryl M said...

Thanks, Catalonia.