Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Happiness Project Toolbox

I am trying out the Happiness Project toolbox for 2010. It's a place where you can create resolutions, checklists, etc. It's a pretty interesting site. I am doing as the site creator did and devoting each month to a different area of my life. Here is my schedule for 2010:

Jan: Consumption and Ownership
Feb: Love and Community
Mar: Energy
Apr: Money
May: Mindfulness
June: Order and Simplicity
Jul: Health and Well-Being
Aug: Creativity and Fun
Sep: Family
Oct: Friends
Nov: Attitude
Dec: Giving

I have some other plans for the year, but more to come on that later. Hopefully, posting this here will keep me honest.

I am a complete nerd in that charts, lists, and check lists really motivate me into action. Because I like having goals and concrete methods of measuring those goals, this kind of project works really well for me. My husband, I'm sure, would roll his eyes. He could never view his life as a series of lists. And that's why he complements me so nicely.

Happy new year and here's to having a plan.

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