Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Work Out Podcast

I think I'm finally emerging again. Now that the household is healthy, I can start blogging again.

I found this great podcast for people like me who A) are goal oriented and B) in need of a good fitness regime. It's called podrunner and is a six week course to prepare you for a 5K using interval training. The music is beat-heavy, thumping club music, which I find to be good work out music, but be warned if you aren't a club music fan. If you are interested, the poscast is available on iTunes. I like having the intervals and not having to look at my watch to see if it's time to switch, and I like having a very specific goal - at the end of six weeks, I should be able to run a 5K. (Not that I'm planning on running a 5K race, mind you.)

So far, since February I have lost five pounds. Woohoo!

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