Thursday, June 25, 2009

The extra poundage, dog update

I gained a lot of weight this semester in a very short period of time. I learned, incidentally, that I am a comfort eater, which I would have denied prior to this semester. Now I'm working on losing it. I lost two pounds in two days without even trying hard, which just goes to show how much I was having to eat to maintain this weight. Last night was a bust, and I ate like a pig. I had forgotten to eat lunch, so I pigged out at dinner.


Our new edition to the family, Triton the dog, is going to have to go. I like him a lot and especially like that he doesn't shed, but he has bitten both kids in the face. The tricky part is getting the lady from Boxers and Buddies to accept the towel I'm throwing in. She's an excellent dog trainer, and when I told her Triton had bitten Sawyer, she had me come to classes with her and had me follow certain dominance establishing procedures. He seemed to be getting better, and then he bit Rosalind in the hand and then later in the face. As a mother, my first priority is the safety of my kids. Plus, it gets exhausting always having to worry about where the dog is, where the kids are, and whether the dog is feeling threatened. The kids don't harass him, but Triton gets very nervous about feeling cornered, which is when he bites.


I'm loving summer!


MaryanneB said...

*Reply to your comment on my blog :D

Why, yes I do! I used to do it all the time on Myspace, but now that no one knows what Myspace is anymore, I decided to just blog here. Haha :]

*Now about your blog

I didn't know YOU blogged. haha ^_^
I hope your kids are okay and that your dog will get better with training. :[ I bet it must be scary.

Cheryl M said...

Thanks, Maryanne. I'll definitely be keeping track of your blog.


P.S. I think you're awesome, blossom.