Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mindfulness, metta, and politics

For the last year, I have worked on being mindful and compassionate in my political dealings. I have strong feelings and been quite involved in the political process, but I have also worked to be aware of my prejudices and loving of all people with different beliefs.

I have recently met my match. Palin's nomination is laughable. Palin's claim that she is qualified to run this country because you can see Russia from an island in Alaska is just weird. Palin's lack of knowledge on the Bush doctrine is scary. Palin's condescension towards Obama's "community organizer" days is insulting.

The Republican party's hypocritical and duplicitous sudden concern for women's rights is embarrassing. The Republican party's claim that the media is bullying Palin when just nine months ago she basically said Hilary had to toughen up is frustrating.

The Republican party's campaign strategy is working.

I can take McCain as president. But I need to turn off the television, put away the newspaper and cancel the Newsweek subscription because I've already lost equanimity and because I'm having trouble feeling love and compassion for these people when I know that under all that hockey mom lipstick, Palin is just another working mom like me who may have different politics, beliefs and values than do I.

I guess I would usually compare myself to a Labrador, while Palin compares herself to a pit bull. Except that I feel like the lab being mauled by the neighbor's pit bull.

I guess I'm back from my blogging hiatus.

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