Gross factor warning/If you are squeamish, do not read this paragraph: My dog is having surgery this week to remove a mole that grew too large. It got infected and was nasty and scabby and bloody and gooey. Before he has the surgery, we have to clear out the infection and keep the area clean. This isn't a fun activity, cleaning his open tumor clean. Yes, it's an exposed tumor. YUCK! I'm actually looking forward to the surgery so that we can get this thing off his face and I can go back to not being eewed out every day.
A few years ago he had this neurological problem that he recovered from but that left him deaf and crooked. Literally crooked. His head is crooked and he can't walk in a straight line. Add to that the fact that he isn't the brightest dog, and this whole cone thing has been silly. He walks too close to doorways when passing from one room to another and therefore bumps his cone onto the door sill. But he doesn't realize what's happened, so he backs up and does it again. And again. And again. And again. He continues to do it until I move him over a half inch and he can move through the doorway with no problem.
Poor, old, sweet dog. I love him.